Tuesday, October 23, 2007

ugliest ferrari part 3

sorry about my last post. i'm trying to get my pictures back up and working. i tried to get that verizon team from the commercials to fix it but they only do phones. looks like it's up to me.

in the mean time, here is another ferrari with other attributes besides good looks. again, it's real. i promise it's not a australian ford with ferrari badges.


Sycz said...

looking at it makes me want to poo. take that which ever way you want.

Andrew said...

Ima take that as good. Like, "I like that thing so much Ima poo on it. Word."

This better not turn into another Micah Blog Pt. 1, or else Ima poo on something. Micah -- Blog! Also, do you want me to call you, or will you call me?